Inject Efficiency Into your Marketing Campaigns

Custom content for Quad by Marketing Dive's Brand Studio

The proliferation of channels that brands can use to establish and nurture relationships with consumers is a goldmine for companies that know how to use these marketing channels effectively.

However, the more channels that marketing dollars must spread across, the more ROI appears to diminish. Many departments have turned to new marketing and analytics platforms to boost ROI, but often these platforms don’t address the core issue - inefficient marketing strategies. Our new playbook explains how orienting your team’s activities around efficiency will positively impact all your other goals. The playbook includes: 

  • Unique market research from a survey of 141 marketing executives around their current challenges, goals, and approaches 
  • Actionable steps to take to re-organize your marketing team with efficiency at its core
  • Three significant trickle-down benefits to baking efficiency into your marketing DNA


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