Raising the Bar with Identity-Based Marketing

Custom content for FullContact by Retail Dive's Brand Studio

Duration: 1 hour


In a world where customer-first brands like Amazon and Apple set the bar high for customer experience, retailers cannot afford to ignore the role customer data plays in providing an excellent customer experience. Using customer data to inform marketing strategies results in a better customer experience and ultimately stronger customer relationships. 

In our new webinar, participants will hear from three industry experts on organizing and deploying marketing data. The webinar will also cover:

  • The evolution of rising customer demand for personalized marketing
  • What’s holding most retailers back from responding 
  • How identity-based marketing can step in to fill the gap


Tim Prunk
EVP Corporate Development and Strategy

Adam Miller
President and CEO

Sev Maynard
Principal and Co-Founder
Simple Machine Advisors


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