How Online Retailers Can Turn Returns Into a Competitive Advantage

Custom content for Doddle by Retail Dive's Brand Studio

While the recent COVID-19 pandemic highlights the online shopping trend, it also emphasizes the need to have a good returns policy, especially for new online shoppers. This policy reassures shoppers that they are in safe hands when buying goods sight unseen over the Internet.

Retailers cannot afford to dismiss the cost of returns, yet one reason holding them back is that they don’t have reliable data to understand the reason for returns. Technology that allows consumers to provide more information regarding returns can help retailers proactively address issues.

This white paper explores the full effect the returns process has on the customer journey and future customer acquisition. Readers will learn:

  • Why the growth of online sales means an increase in returns
  • The story behind the disconnect between retailers’ and customers’ views of product returns
  • Keys to turning the returns process into a competitive advantage


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