Ryan Reynolds on ‘Diet Storytelling,’ Shoestring Marketing and Engagement Over Broadcasting

Adweek interviews the actor-producer-entrepreneur, our 2020 Brand Visionary

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It would seem from Ryan Reynolds’ confessional voicemails to Mint Mobile customers that the actor-producer-entrepreneur has been idle during quarantine. He hasn’t read any books or perfected his tree pose. And his parenting goals? Not quite nailed down, to hear him tell it, though he plans to circle back when his three daughters are a little older.

The picture he painted, laced with his patented self-skewering observations, isn’t entirely accurate—not on the professional front anyway. Reynolds, who’s now filming the Netflix action comedy Red Notice, has recently been banking ad campaigns for his two brands, bargain wireless carrier Mint Mobile and super premium alcohol Aviation Gin, via his Maximum Effort production banner.

Photography by Guy Aroch

And he just sold the latter company, in which he’d bought a significant stake in 2018, to liquor behemoth Diageo—he calls the conglomerate “a super-charged enormous Goliath of a friend to help grow the business even more”—for...



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This story first appeared in the Sept. 14, 2020, issue of Adweek magazine. Click here to subscribe.