Fortune 1000 Brands Deliver ROI Through Personalization

White Paper

Brand marketers know that one-size-fits-all marketing approach does not deliver results. 

Consumers are demanding 1:1 relationships from their brands. Challenges are mounting with the emergence of many digital channels (i.e., social, video, connected TV/ OTT), large arrays of brand products, special offerings, and the demand for multi-language campaigns running in markets around the globe. The shift to creating and serving relevant content to consumers using the traditional approach is negatively impacting the return on investment (ROI). It is very expensive to build personalized creative versions one by one--manually.

The good news is, the world's leading brands have been using Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) technology to automate and scale personalization at a fraction of the cost of the traditional manual approach. Jivox's new ROI analysis of its predominantly Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 customers shows significant savings with increased efficiency and scale using the Jivox platform. The results:

$642 million cost savings and over $1 billion in ROI throughout 2019.

Creative production costs and media performance improvements were analyzed using an ROI model--showing the differences in cost, pre- and post-Jivox DCO technology deployment, across the production of digital marketing creative and content in display, social, video advertising, email personalization and dynamic personalized web pages. 

Would you like to see how DCO can help you improve your marketing ROI? Get in touch with our experts to receive a complimentary ROI analysis customized to your needs.  


Register to read the white paper highlighting the DCO ROI model and case studies of F500 companies