Former Leaders of Ogilvy’s Brand Consulting Practice Start Consultancy

Joanna Seddon and Nik Gharekhan have named their new firm Presciant

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Joanna Seddon and Nik Gharekhan, both of whom have spent 10 years at Ogilvy within its global brand consulting group, are venturing out on their own.

The two have founded Presciant, a brand strategy consultancy that Seddon said will largely focus on helping companies navigate mergers and acquisitions from a branding perspective.

It’s where their experience lies: At Ogilvy, the pair recently led a project involving the merger of Dow and Dupont. Seddon said her team helped create Corteva Agriscience, the company’s agricultural division that came about following the merger. 

“We had the wonderful job of having to create it from scratch,” she said, explaining that Ogilvy formed Corteva Agriscience’s name, positioning and what it stands for. 




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