5 Strategies to Meet the Demands of Holiday 2021—and Beyond

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Throughout the 2020 holiday season, brands needed to continually pivot to serve customers’ fluctuating needs — and holiday 2021 is shaping up to be no different. But while it’s vital to drive sales during the remainder of the fourth quarter, a more pressing concern is the future, as you look toward 2022 and a rapidly evolving landscape.

The pandemic accelerated a shift to a more digital world and created changes in consumer shopping behavior that will have a lasting effect. This playbook highlights the five strategies, last-minute insights and optimizations that will supercharge your digital marketing to drive sales growth today—and into 2022—including how to:

  • Prepare for the demise of third-party cookies
  • Collect the information you need to retarget consumers
  • Foster engagement to ensure visitors become browser and browsers become buyers


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