Your Guide to Programmatic Audio Advertising

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About This Guide

Learn best practices, strategies, and tips for running programmatic audio campaigns that reach your ideal audience.

Person listening to programmatic audio ads via Spotify on their smartphone with over the ear headphones on

What Is Audio Advertising

Screen-free entertainment like podcasts, audiobooks, music, and playlists are quickly gaining popularity. Programmatic audio advertising enables you to connect with this growing audience, right in their ears. It leverages programmatic technology to automate the buying and selling of audio ads.

Read this guide to learn the unique benefits of audio, digital audio capabilities, and programmatic audio advertising strategies.

woman looking at her laptop

Audio Advertising Tips

Audio is emotionally engaging, and it reaches listeners in screen-free moments. You’re able to connect with them while they’re at home or on the go. Programmatic audio is the perfect channel to leverage for building brand awareness.

What You’ll Find Inside the Guide

  • How programmatic audio advertising works.
  • Capabilities of digital audio advertising.
  • The programmatic audio opportunity.
  • Programmatic audio campaign strategies.

Download your copy and get started with audio advertising.