The Best OOS Solutions for Seamless In-Store Execution

Custom content for Movista by studioID

Duration: 1 hour

Out-of-stocks are a retailer’s nightmare. They are expensive and cost retailers one trillion dollars in missed opportunities annually. Even before the shortages due to the pandemic, out of stocks happened frequently–20% of the time in grocery stores and more frequently at other businesses.

When customers can't find their preferred item on the shelf, they may take an alternative route, causing the retailer to lose purchases. Online ordering intensifies the need to solve out of stocks.   Retailers need a new approach – a way to manage out of stocks and create an efficient process that works for everyone.  In this webinar, we discuss:

  • The causes of out of stocks and the impact on retailers, brands, service providers and customers 
  • Why traditional approaches have not been effective
  • Best practices for how instore stakeholders can create a foundation for flawless execution, improving on-shelf availability, reducing out of stocks and offering customers the best possible visit 


Clint Kolb
Senior Team Leader

Eric Wilson
Chief Customer Officer


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