Unlocking Lower Funnel Results with Influencer Marketing

Duration: 30 minutes

While most brands maintain a presence on social media, many fail to reach their full potential when it comes to running successful social media campaigns. Enter influencer marketing: a game-changing, lower-funnel tactic capable of boosting eCommerce sales and driving conversions for brands.

Join us for this webinar as experts from Quotient delve into the power of influencer marketing, exploring its latest capabilities and uncovering potential opportunities across social media platforms. Discover actionable strategies and gain valuable insights from real brand case studies that showcase remarkable eCommerce growth through influencer partnerships. Watch now to learn more about:

  • Building a persona marketing plan
  • Leveraging data and analytics to identify your target audience
  • Finding the right influencer partner for your brand
  • Identifying must-have KPIs for influencer marketing campaigns


Traci Kissel
Social Sales Director
Quotient Technology


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